Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Some things I like and some things I don't...

Given that life is back to "normal" now, I thought I would take some time to unload some of my current likes and dislikes for your reading enjoyment and likely mockery.

Things I currently like:
+ Brad Paisley's new cd: Fifth Gear

+ The CBS show, Criminal Minds
+ Books written by the author, Richard Mouw
+ Bass, the original pale ale
+ Smoking a mixture of Sunset and Vanilla blends from Tinderbox in my pipe
+ Reese's Crispy Crunch Bar
+ Broccoli
+ My Oakley sandals
+ Chipmunks
+ Crystal Light Rasberry Lemonade

Things I currently dislike:
- Traffic in Charlotte
- Sesame seeds
- Books by C.S. Lewis (minus The Chronicles, of course)
- Humidity
- "Family Friendly" radio
- The media
- The idea that Christian = Republican
- Evangelicals are now a targeted "voting group"
- Post-its that have lost their stickiness
- Seven simple yet profound action steps that will help readers discover the better things they were born for...



Joshua Stockment said...

what don't you like about family friendly radio?


Joshua Stockment said...

and I would like to make a motion that you change your fantasy football team name to:

New Perspective Pelagianism

Dan Layman said...

josh - you know that i think too much of anything is not a good thing...so how can it be friendly for the family to be subjected to MWS more than once a day!


"When he rolls up his sleeve he ain't just puttin on the ritz..."

Dan Layman said...

since there was no second on your motion...you are denied. please take your seat and watch the hammocks win the league!