Monday, August 27, 2007

And we're off!

Life has officially began again! Hopefully this blog won't be as slow in the coming months as it was the last week, but I am not going to make any promises!

The fall semester has kicked off at RTS and right off the bat I feel a little behind. I am taking six courses this semester (Preaching, Hebrew I, Leadership, Applied Sanctification, ARP Polity/History, and Church History I) with one of them constituting my inauguration into the wonderful world of Hebrew. Having been successful in Greek, I was hoping this language wouldn't be so bad. Well, I am already confused by the most elementary part of any language: the alphabet. Lord, help me....please!

I have also started a new job as an intern at Uptown Church in the area of pastoral administration. I am very excited about this because it gives me an opportunity to use my leadership/administrative gifts for the edification of the church and the glory of God. It also provides me a place to further develop those gifts as well as build strong mentoring relationships with the pastors and other staff. I have a lot to learn and I am blessed to "get my feet wet" at such a great church!

Add to that my 8-10 hours a week working in the RTS library and the weeks will go by very fast. Please don't take this as me complaining, because that is not my intent. I am very excited about what God will accomplish in and through me as I serve him as a husband, student, intern, and employee this semester. I am however asking that you pray for me to do more than all I can ever accomplish on my own. The Lord is my strength and I know that I need him to do anything.

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