Friday, May 23, 2008


Oh yeah! Summertime. It's definitely here. Come on, celebrate with me, sing some old school Will Smith lyrics with me:

"Here it is the groove slightly transformed
Just a bit of a break from the norm
Just a little somethin to break the monotony..."

You know you know the words...

Anyway, it's nice to be done with the Spring semester. I am now officially a senior seminary student. That sounds really weird to say. But I digress...

This summer is not short on excitement, though. I'll be continuing to work at Uptown Church and have just started a class with RTS Virtual. Besides that, there's lots going on:

* Next week, May 26-29, I'll be heading up to the Banner of Truth Ministers' Conference at Messiah College in Grantham, PA. This should be a lot of fun! I'm heading up there in a van with a bunch of guys (most from SC) and hope to come away refreshed and challenged.

* June 1-3 is the Uptown Church staff retreat at Isle of Palms, SC.

* Meg's Dad is coming to visit us the weekend of June 7-8.

* Preaching at Uptown on June 15.

* I am taking a class at RTS June 23-27 (Ministry in a Postmodern Context) which is being taught by Michael Horton. I am very excited about this. Dr. Horton is professor at Westminster Seminary California, editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine, co-host of The Whitehorse Inn, and author of several books.

* I have another class (Pastoral Ministry) at RTS the week of July 7-11.

* Meg and I will be traveling with World Harvest Mission to the Dublin Prayer Conference July 13-20 in Dublin, Ireland. Not only with this be a wonderful opportunity to see how the Lord is working in Ireland but we get to hang out with our buddy Luke as well!

* To top off the summer, Meg and I will be going to NYC July 31-Aug 5. We are meeting her parents there (who are coming from Chicago) and will a lot of fun. This is also our 5th anniversary celebration (which officially happens on 10/4).

So, there you have it. Lots of plans. Lots of fun.

1 comment:

Luke said...

SWEEEEET! I got a shoutout on the Layman blog! I have achieved internet fame, finally!