Saturday, July 12, 2008

A week in review...

Time sure does was just a week ago that we were in Apex visiting with our friends. We had a good time and I had the opportunity to preach God's Word to his people (click here to listen). It had been a while since we stayed over at our friends' John and Kati's house. They have amazingly cute children and they're very good cooks. And, for the record, I am convinced that peach cobbler or oatmeal cream pies are acceptable breakfast foods. Until I saw their son Jack in Meg's shoes I had never realized how hard it would be to fill them...but that didn't stop him from giving it a shot. Needless to say, we look forward to living around all these folks again real soon...

On Monday, Meg wasn't feeling real good so she called out from work. This was the first time she called out since her grandfather died a year ago. But after much sleep she felt a lot better. Much to her joy, after working Wednesday, she was called off on Thursday. So, although she only worked 12 hours (instead of 36), she still managed to stay busy and get lots of things done (including hanging out with me and her friend Lauren).

I had class last week at RTS. It was good. The real tribulation
came on Wednesday when I went home for lunch and the car freaked out on the way home. We have been experiencing some problems with our transmission and the time had finally come for the car to tell us there really was a problem. After waiting three hours for AAA to send a tow truck, the car finally made it to the VW dealer and a couple of hundred dollars later it runs like new. The real blessing in all of it was the fact that our friend Jonathan was staying with us this week (he was up from Columbia, SC for class) and he let us use his car Wednesday evening and Thursday morning to get Meg to and from work. We never cease to be amazed at how God always works out all of the little details of our life...

So Thursday night after Meg got called off we enjoyed an evening at Brixx Pizza with some friends from the seminary. On Friday I had to take the final exam for the class (I know, its weird to take the final the last day of class but it was open book). Since then we have been busy getting everything in order for our trip to the Dublin Prayer Conference in Ireland. At this moment, I think we are pretty much packed and ready to go. We leave in the morning and after a long layover in NYC, we should arrive in Dublin early Monday morning. Please pray that God would continue to amaze us with his providence over all the little details of life and that we would be open to what he wants to teach us this week.

We're going to do our best to keep in touch while gone. If w
e have access to the internet we'll update with pictures, etc. If not, you'll just get bombarded here when its all over with. :-)


Luke said...
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Luke said...

Can't wait to wake up today--it's 1 am now--and see you guys! All the cool kids come to Ireland!