Friday, August 22, 2008

The return of Friday randomness...

* On this day in 1865, William Shepherd of NYC patented liquid soap. Here's to you Mr. Liquid Soap maker! Now every man can take a shower like a girl...where's my loofah?

* I am in a massive music rut right now, only listening to the tried and true favorites of the past. Anybody have any suggestions for something new? I am wanting something folk-ish, americana, or even some progressive bluegrass.

* School's back! As mentioned in my previous post, the beginning of this week was devoted to getting back up to speed on my Hebrew. I am in my third semester o
f the language and to make sure we stayed up on things, my prof had a quiz for us on our first day back from the summer break Wednesday. He's not only a smart guy for doing that, but he's a nice guy for giving us such an easy quiz!

* My preaching classes this year are focusing on preaching expositionally through narrative passages of the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament. I am really excited about this since narrative composes so much of the Bible, and it is often neglected in Churches (if not just relegated to moral pick-me-ups and character studies). Here's to preaching the WHOLE counsel of God!

* Meg and I are excited to be heading to Apex this weekend to visit with friends and the church there! Hopefully, we'll be moving back there in the next year!

* RTS requires its graduates to memorize and take exa
ms on the Westminster Shorter Catechism by Spring break before they graduate. Yeah, I really need to get moving on that...only 7 months to go!

* Meg and I love Trader Joe's grocery store. If you have one in your area, go! Now!

* Calling Luke Johson! Luke? Where are you? I miss you...hope Ireland is still treating you well! Are you wearing man capris yet? A picture is included on the left...if you see this man anywhere in the greater Dublin area please let me know - and please point at him and laugh! :-)

* Meg and I are leaving next Friday morning to fly to St. Louis for her dad's wedding. We're looking foward to going back home for a few days...

* How long before the Cubs finally choke? They are starting to convince even, that crow will taste horrible if I have to eat it.

* Eat more hummus. That's right. Eat hummus. I can't believe I am saying this, but it's good.

Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

Looking for new music? Try "Eddie From Ohio." Yep, that's their name! Oddly enough, only one member is from Ohio (Eddie). The rest are JMU grads and their music is awesome! Get one of their live albums first (better than studio, IMHO).

BTW, April's in St. Louis this weekend to see her mom. Too bad she's going to miss y'all. Oh well, here's to October!

Joshua Stockment said...