Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First Impressions...

So, the night is halfway over and I managed to watch Mount Saint Mary's (again, an unfortunate name) win as well as the 11 minutes of meaningful American Idol coverage - thanks to my amazing remote control skills. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to play my favorite childhood game with the performers tonight: first impressions. You know that game - you say the first thing that comes to mind when you hear or see something. Here are my first impressions from tonights Idol performances:

Amanda: reminds me of a female Meatloaf.
Kristy Lee: a young Sarah Evans; both should quit singing.
David A: a nervous schoolboy serenading his prom date
Michael: Bono, but Michael can actually sing
Brooke: amazing singer, needs to flash the peace sign more often
David C: the world doesn't need another Eddie Vedder; thanks for trying, though
Carly: really bad Irish piano bar singer
Jason: awkward and phony; should be wearing a polyester suit and selling used scooters
Syesha: for the love of everything, please QUIT WHINING! sounds like a sick cat in heat
Chikezie: smooth; what it would be like if Emmit Smith could sing
Ramiele: boring; personality of a sock puppet; will have a nice career singing at senior citizen birthday parties

Alright. That was fun. Back to the Saluki game - they are up seven at half-time.

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