Saturday, March 29, 2008

Highway to the comfort zone...

This may come as a surprise to those of you who know me...I'm one of those weird extroverted introverts, but going to last night's community dinner was a bit of a stretch for me or at the very least out of my comfort zone. I enjoy meeting new people, but only a few at a time and even on the first meeting I'm a little quiet. I need to assess the group before I step out there and show my true colors. Of course, let me say that once I do get to know you, it is very hard to shut me up!! So for some, they would probably never really want to open the dam to my thoughts. The rush of water can be very overwhelming.

Last night's community dinner was a very good time. The ladies that were grouped with me had a hodge podge of backgrounds and were at different life stages. That is always fun. Not to mention that it was a group of about 8. Eight is a good number. Not too overwhelming... So in all, I got to know them a little bit better, and I think they got to know me. The dam was breeched, but not yet spewing forth. One of the neatest God things is that when I got the list of ladies attending I knew none of the names and once I got out our church's picture directory I didn't recognize anyone's face either (a couple weren't pictured). So needless to I step out thinking 3 hours with a group of people I don't know at all. Oh, to stay home with my husband and cat and watch basketball. Then when I get there, the two other ladies already there I had previously met and one that I knew, but wasn't on the previous list.. Yea!!! God definitely knows what I can bare. It was a delicious meal and lots of fun. I will look forward to next quarter's mealtime.


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