Monday, April 21, 2008

Awkward signatures...

So I have a technical dilemma. Maybe you can help.

Our world has been revolutionized by the smart phone. People can now surf the internet, have a calculator handy (without wearing the calculator watch), send pictures of that guy picking his nose in the mall to a friend, and send email from their phones thanks to the Blackberry, the Palm Treo, the iPhone, and a myriad of others. Well, I have noticed a disturbing trend now that people are indeed sending mail from these phones: its the awkward signature at the end where they tout that they have one of these gadgets and you don't. Surely you have seen these. Right after they say, "Thanks, Joe Bob" at the end, there will be a signature line that goes something like this right "Sorry if this is short, but it was sent from my Treo."

Don't you find these somewhat disturbing? I know I am uneasy about them. I have an iPhone and it has been my close friend for the last seven months. And I do A LOT of emailing from it. But I just haven't brought myself to using one of these signatures yet. Sometimes I feel bad because I don't feel like typing out a long email or I don't have the time and it seems that it would be polite to at least clue the person in on why I didn't write a small story in reply to their mail. So what do I do? I guess I have a few options...I could add a signature that says one of the following:

1) Sent from my iPhone
2) This email is short because I am sending it from my iPhone
3) If you were cool enough to own an iPhone like me you would understand why this is short
4) I'd like to type more but this super cool Apple keypad on the iPhone is still a pain in the butt to type anything longer than 26 characters at one sitting on
5) I would have emailed you from my laptop but I'd rather email you from this iPhone so that you think I am too busy right now to send a full reply when in all actuality I really don't want to write much more than this to you.

Such are the dilemmas we are faced with in the 21st century...I welcome any suggestions you might have. Bueller?


Luke said...

Go with signature five. Nothing says honesty like, "I don't want to talk to you."

Joshua Stockment said...

You should figure out some way to do advertising through your signatures...You could sell email space on ebay, so that the highest bidder is entitled to 25 characters at the end of every email you send.

That's how you finance your MacBook Pro

Dan Layman said...

Brilliant! You can be my agent...

- Noah Kiser said...

I'd go with: "in all things brevity - iPhone messsaging" - paraphrased and altered from Broadus & Dr. Olver an used out of context for the present discussion of "signatures"

BJ Buracker said...

Sorry, I'd leave a longer comment, but I'm too busy watching the game on my LG - 60" 1080p Flat-Panel Plasma HDTV. Too bad you just have an iPhone.

Stupid Scholar