Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The call...

So, I have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be called to ministry. God doesn't call you on the phone and say, "Hey you, go serve me in ministry!" But I do believe he makes it abundantly clear if he is indeed calling you to serve. I know that I first started sensing a call to ministry about ten years ago when I was finishing up college (oh my, saying that makes me feel sooooooooo old ). And ever since then he has only made that call stronger and stronger. Not only do I sense the inward call to ministry but it has been outwardly affirmed by others as well. Theologically speaking, this is exactly how it is supposed to work.

Ministry, however, is a big word and it encompasses quite a bit. When I first came to seminary, I was unsure if God was calling me to pastoral ministry or something else like teaching, missions, or administration. But now I sense more and more that God is indeed calling me to be a minister of his Word to his people. God is indeed calling me to pastoral ministry. I must confess that this is quite humbling. I am glad that God qualifies his servants, because on my own I am far from qualified.

One way that this has been pressed home on my heart recently is in my preaching. Up until now I have always used a full manuscript when I preach. Recently however, both in class and at church, I have been challenged to move away from that practice and work on being more engaged with the congregation while I speak. At first I was like, 'whatever,' but God has been showing me over the last few months that this is the best thing for me. I know that even a year ago I would have heard such criticism and said, "See, that is why I am called to administration (or whatever) and not preaching." But now, I want to change. I want to be a better preacher. I pray earnestly for that. So as I work on a sermon for next weekend, I am praying diligently that God would help me to trust him as I preach and not my manuscript.

So what does it mean to be called to ministry? It means a lot of things. But right now, for me, it means to be 'malleable'. Not "easily influenced" as some dictionaries define malleable, but "capable of being shaped or bent". I definitely need as much malleability in my life as I can get.

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