Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Caption this...

So I received this picture in an email from a friend today and couldn't help but posting it here and asking some of the wittier among our readers to write a caption for this picture in a comment. Come on, don't be shy. It's actually fun. If it goes well, we'll play this game more often.

I'll go first:

"Nothing says romance like carrying your wife's six pack for her..."


Luke said...

Babe, you might not have any front teeth, but your beer is still beautiful to me.

Joshua Stockment said...

What does BYOB mean to YOU?

Anonymous said...

wives, submit to your husbands. and carry their beer.

BJ Buracker said...

This Bud's for you! And this one, and this one, and this one... Heck, carry the whole case!

Stupid Scholar

Jon said...

Once again, proof that women just can't pack light....
So exactly what did you mean by "social drinker"?

Dan Layman said...

way to go, guys! thanks for playing! a winner will be chosen soon and he/she will receive the grand prize of a pretzel stick.

- Noah Kiser said...

honey... this may be the best picnic we've ever been on...