"When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries!
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer, to Jesus I repair:
May Jesus Christ be praised!"
I love that hymn - all fifteen verses of it. Too bad I don't have them all memorized...
Anyway, I digress. With praise in my heart I turned my attention to God's Word and was greeted with the pleasure of reading and meditating on Psalm 59 today. I came upon these words in verses 16-17:
"But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love."
What a blessing it is to truly live out God's Word! I now count it a joy to have sung of his steadfast love this morning. Just as sure as I am that I will be unfaithful to him in so many ways today, I am even more confident that his steadfast love (literally, his covenant faithfulness) will not fail me. The LORD loves me perfectly and for that I am grateful.
I pray that all of you will sing his praises today and take time to thank him for his steadfast love towards you!
haha.... you know why that came so easily to your mind? That was the call to worship hymn at Myers Park
seriously?!?! so my super-spiritual moment is in thanks to MPBC? i am going to go shower right now...
that's funny...
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