Friday, April 25, 2008

Another weekend...

Ahhhh...another weekend. And this time we are staying home. Megan has to work tonight so I'll be home alone working on some homework. I hope to get it done early because I would really like to put in the extended version of LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring. I haven't watched that in a while and it would be nice to sit on the couch and do nothing while feeding my mind with images of Middle earth.

Speaking of homework. Finals start in three weeks!!! Oh my...time is flying by. I really need to start studying for my finals as I really don't want to have to do too much cramming the days before. We'll see how that goes. I have one more big paper to finish up and a funeral sermon to write for my preaching clinic. It's weird to be doing a funeral sermon but I guess it is good for us to learn.

Some random stuff:

-I have started a new blog. It's a site where I (and hopefully a friend or two) will post pictures and (hopefully) people will comment with captions (sort of like the post below...). It's still in the early phases of planning, etc. Have a look and don't be shy - try out your own caption.

-Speaking of captions, my friend Noah has decided to play the caption game on his blog. I think you'll like it. He "stole" a picture of me from Facebook. Noah is one of the funniest guys I know and I hope y'all will enjoy his contributions to the new blog, The Caption.

-Am I the only one on the planet who was actually happy to see Carly get kicked off American Idol this week? Seriously, if cats could meow with an Irish accent they would sound just like her.

-Along the lines of American Idol, I want to publicly thank the producers for allowing those kids to absolutely destroy the genius works of Andrew Lloyd Weber. I can only hope that they do justice to Neil Diamond this week. It would absolutely rock if Brooke sang 'Cracklin' Rosie'. What's next? Idol does songs from Barry White? The Wiggles? Heck, why not just do songs from the collection of John Denver. Seriously...

-This is the last week of the Sunday school class on the Reformation I have been co-teaching. I am working on Sunday's lesson this afternoon which will cover the reformation in Scotland. I'm also going to sneak in some time to talk about the Covenanters - which is so ARP of me.

-Anybody know of any good Irish movies? Meg and I are going to Dublin, Ireland this July with World Harvest Mission and want to get a glimpse of Irish culture through film.

Enough for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


BJ Buracker said...

The movie, "Once" is supposed to be a pretty good Irish flick.

Click Here

Stupid Scholar

PS - when will you be in Ireland? Maybe I can meet you over there for a beer or something... The Guinness here is GOOD!

Dan Layman said...

Thanks for the suggestion, BJ.

We'll be in Ireland July 13-20. I haven't seen a complete itinerary for the trip yet, but I'll let you know when I do. It would be great to catch up with you. How much longer are you in Scotland (Edinburgh, right?)?

Luke said...

Dude, I also thought Carly needed to go. Yeah, yeah, we all get that she can sing REALLY LOUD. So what?