Monday, April 7, 2008

Just another manic monday...

Well today ended up being a very good day. I am calling it Hebrew day because I feel like I spent quite a bit of time catching up on vocab, new Grammar, workbook exercises, and doing some translation in Jonah. I have to confess that Hebrew has kind of taken my by surprise. I have had several friends say that it was a nightmare of a language so I was a bit hesitant going in. But I have to say I really like it. Not only is it amazing to be learning the very language that God's inspired authors used to record his Word for us in the Old Testament, but stylistically it is a cool language. I still think I understand and even like Greek better, but Hebrew is now one of my favorites.

I am also calling it Hebrew day because I got to meet with my Hebrew prof this morning to talk about doing a directed study with him on the Old Testament canon. I am currently taking a class on the origin and authority of the New Testament canon and now have all these questions about the Old Testament. The meeting went well and I left very excited to get started on the ground work for the study/class. It's also encouraging to know that there is possibility for me to do ThM studies on this topic in the future. Yeah, I am a nerd...

Non-Hebrew related, I did get some work done on my sermon for Sunday as well as some reading. I knocked out a couple of chapters of "The Worship of the English Puritans," by Horton Davies. Man, that book is a snooze... And to top the evening off, Meg and I had a wonderful dinner with a friend from our Bible study.

Now, all that is left is to watch the basketball game. I guess I'll cheer for Kansas.

Here's to Hebrew, scholarship, reading, food, basketball, and beer! I'll drink to that! Cheers!


Joshua Stockment said...

people who like languages are nerds

Dan Layman said...

pot, meet kettle...

Joshua Stockment said...

you callin me "african american"?