Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Visual aberrations and childhood memories...

So it's not every day that you see low flying planes in a metropolitan city spraying chemicals, but that is exactly what is happening in Charlotte this week. Apparently there is a cankerworm infestation and the planes are spraying a chemical that the little worms will eat and subsequently die from instead of feasting on our trees. As you can imagine, this has caused some concern amongst local citizens and yesterday there were over a hundred phone calls to 911 because of it.

Most of you know that I grew up in Illinois. Well, growing up 20 miles east of St. Louis we did have our share of farmland, but it was rare to see crop dusters flying around spraying fields. But, for a season (5 years old to 10 years old), I lived in southeastern Missouri and behind our house was nothing but farmland. One year it would be full of cotton and the next it would be watermelon. I sure had a lot of fun running around those fields when I was young.

In those days, I did see my fair share of crop dusters and can remember seeing the planes flying towards our house and running for cover thinking it was going to crash into us. Those pilots probably had a ball watching us kids scurrying around as if the Russians were attacking us. Man those were good times.

So today I reminisce about my youth as these yellow planes buzz overhead in Charlotte. Ah, to be young again! Here's a picture of my brother and I in front of that field I enjoyed so much as a kid:


Bill said...

What a picture! Brings back fond memories.

Dan Layman said...

you're wearing black pants, bill. that alone is amazing. oh yeah, nice tan!

Bill said...

I'm thinking about bringing sexy back:

White tank top (with blue trim of course), black jeans, and flip-flops.

Look out Justin Timberlake!