Sunday, May 25, 2008

On the road again...

Tomorrow morning at 6:30, my buddy Brandon and I are being picked up at the Earth Fare parking lot by a group of pastors, elders, and seminary students from South Carolina and making the trek with them up to Messiah College in Grantham, PA for the Banner of Truth Minister's Conference. I am very excited to go. I know a few of the guys going, but really look forward to getting to know the others.

I'm not bringing my computer, but I will be updating my other blog - the Layman Chronicles - via my iPhone. Though short, the updates should keep you tuned in to what I am learning, being challenged with, or goofing off about. Make sure to check it out!

Please pray for the group going up. Pray for safe travel, good fellowship, and a challenging and refreshing conference.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I've been praying for your rime there, and I'm looking forward to hangin outwith Megan this eveing!